INI CET 2021 May
Changes in epithelium from non- keratinized to keratinized form is observed in:
• Dysplasia came from the Greek words “dys” which means “bad” and “plasis” which means “formation”.
• It describes the abnormal arrangement of cells or atypical cell development which may become precursor lesions to cancer.
• However, other dysplasias are harmless and spontaneously deteriorate. This state is less pathological as compared to anaplasia.
• This is generally assessed based on the irregularity of the nuclear envelope and chromatin distribution.
Anaplasia describes cells that have lost the distinct characteristics which define them as particular tissue types.
• On the other hand, dysplasia describes the abnormal arrangement of cells.
• It also pertains to a state when mature cells partially lose their morphological characteristics.
• Metaplasia (Greek: "change in form") is the transformation of one differentiated cell type to another differentiated cell type.
• The change from one type of cell to another may be part of a normal maturation process, or caused by some sort of abnormal stimulus.
• In simplistic terms, it is as if the original cells are not robust enough to withstand their environment, so they transform into another cell type better suited to their environment.
• If the stimulus causing metaplasia is removed or ceases, tissues return to their normal pattern of differentiation.
• Metaplasia is not synonymous with dysplasia, and is not considered to be an actual cancer. It is also contrasted with heteroplasia, which is the spontaneous abnormal growth of cytologic and histologic elements.
• Today, metaplastic changes are usually considered to be an early phase of carcinogenesis, specifically for those with a history of cancers or who are known to be susceptible to carcinogenic changes.
• Metaplastic change is thus often viewed as a premalignant condition that requires immediate intervention, either surgical or medical, lest it lead to cancer via malignant transformation.