INI CET 2021 May
Sloughing of epithelium is seen in:
Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid):
• Aspirin tablets are used mistakenly by many people as a local obtundent, especially for the relief of toothache.
• It is also available in a powder form.
• Although effective if used systemically, they are particularly harmful to the oral mucosa if applied locally.
• The usual mode of local use is to place the tablet against the offending tooth, allowing the cheek or lip to hold it in position, and to let it dissolve slowly.
• Within a few minutes a burning sensation of the mucosa will be noted, and the surface becomes blanched or whitened in appearance.
• The caustic action of the drug causes separation and sloughing of the epithelium and frequently bleeding, especially if the area is traumatized.
• The healing of the painful ‘aspirin burn’ usually takes a week or more.