INI CET 2021 May
Inexorable potency to turn malignant among the following is:
Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia (PVL):
• First described by Hansen et al, in 1985, PVL continues to be recognized as a particularly aggressive form of oral idiopathic leukoplakia that has a considerable morbidity and a strong potential for malignant transformation.
• Diagnosis is often made late in the protracted course of PVL with the disease in an advanced stage when it is especially refractory to treatment.
The histologic spectrum that is seen in PVL are:
• Verrucous hyperplasia (VH), a histologically defined lesion
• Varying degrees of dysplasia
• Three forms of squamous cell carcinoma: verrucous, conventional and according to some, papillary squamous cell carcinoma.